Colombia’s Largest Tree Is So Big in Diameter, It Has Grown Pillars to Support Its Branches

No, that’s not a little mountain, but a big tree. What is the largest tree in the world? General Sherman is certainly a top contender, but then…

Newborn gorilla at Melboᴜrne Zoo then and now

New𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 gorillɑ at MeƖƄourne Zoo gets a cҺeckᴜρ at the hospιtal and reacts to the coƖdness of the stethoscope. THE 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 gorilla who captured our Һeaɾts…

Dad wrestles with 12ft ‘monster’ shark as fishing trip with son becomes sea battle

The stunned dad reeled in a 12.5ft Tiger Shark while on a fishing trip with his son, setting a new personal record for the biggest catch he’s…

‘Extremely rare’ sunfish found off Sydney’s Northern Beaches

Two divers have experienced a ‘once in a lifetime’ moment after spotting a pair of sunfish while diving off the coast of a popular Sydney beach. Justin Ewan, along…

This Flashy-Painted Fish Looks Like It Belongs in ‘Avatar’

Photos of a vibrantly-colored fish that looks too flashy to be real have gone viral on Japanese social media, prompting many to ask if it was the…

Nature photographer captures incredible image of a crashing wave that looks like a human face

Photographer Cody Evans enjoys capturing all types of imagery. His Instagram is filled with photos of birds, motocross, and stormy landscapes. One particularly stormy day in Ontario…

The Heart-Stopping Beauty of Climbers Resting on Sheer Cliff Faces

Climbers are always known as brave, adventurous and conquering the toughest challenges. However, when they climb up the sheer cliff faces and rest on them, the sight…

Dragon Blood Tree: These centuries-old trees ‘bleed’

Dragon’s Blood tree (Dracaena cinnabari) – Socotra island Narrates the story of the first drop of blood between the two brothers “Abel and Cain”, Dragon’s Blood is…

Man builds a dream home resembling the Titanic and makes waves in the architectural world.

A farmer in India’s West Bengal state has been working on an unusual-looking house modeled after the famous RMS Titanic ship that sank after colliding with an…

The Gigantic Marvel: Unveiling Unprecedentedly Large Lobsters

A recently published video on YouTube has sparked a frenzy among the online community, showcasing the sight of remarkably gigantic lobsters. The YBS Youngbloods, a group dedicated…