Discovering the incredible house built into a vertical rock face in the Ampezzo Dolomites of Italy.

Many tourists don’t even recognize the house on the remote mountainside, let alone stepping inside.

The house nicknamed “the loneliest house in the world” was given by tourists and named Buffa di Perrero. In reality, it has been abandoned for almost 100 years and is located at an altitude of nearly 3,000m in the Dolomite range. Photo: Alamy.

The house, built during World War I, is nestled deep in a vertical rock face in the Monte Cristallo mountain range, within the Ampezzo Dolomites natural park. Its unusual location puzzled many for years, as they couldn’t understand how it was possible to build such a structure. Photo: Flickr.

At first glance, many people feel like if they step outside the threshold, they could easily fall straight down into the deep abyss below. However, in reality, there is enough space to place a few chairs for visitors to rest. The house has two entrances and four windows. Photo: Flickr.

The locals believe that Italian soldiers created this house as a shelter to rest during their fights against the Austro-Hungarian army on the treacherous terrain. The house is deeply carved inside the mountain, with excellent camouflage abilities. If you’re not observant enough, it’s challenging to spot Buffa di Perrero on the rock face.

This incredible architectural feat can only be accessed by a makeshift rope and cable car. The trail leading to the house is considered treacherous and only suitable for experienced mountaineering tourists. Despite its challenging location, Buffa di Perrero attracts many adventure-seeking visitors. In addition to witnessing the house, tourists also want to admire the breathtaking scenery from this terrifying height. Photo: Summit Post.

Inside the small house, there isn’t much for visitors to explore. It consists of only a narrow wooden-clad room and a few white wooden chairs outside on the porch. To access this place by road, it takes an average of one week.

The trail leading up to the house is part of the Via Ferrata Ivano Dibona (pictured), a challenging high-altitude route along the Zurlon mountain ridge on the main peak of Cristallo in the Dolomites. Accessing this location requires individuals with excellent physical strength. Photo: Dolomiti.

The bridge leads to Forcella Staunies. This is one of the magnificent, stimulating but dangerous highlights on the Via Ferrata Ivano Dibona route. Photo: Summit post.

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